Doctor Mayor Goes to Accident Victim’s Aid

Chiayi City Mayor Twu Shiing-jer (涂醒哲) was seen going to the aid of a scooter rider hit by a car October 20. Pictures and video were widely circulated after the picture was uploaded to the Mayor’s Facebook page.

The mayor’s car was at the intersection of Linsen East Road and Xinsheng Road when a young lady on a scooter slammed into a car that made a left turn against oncoming traffic. The mayor, who is also a physician, former Health Minister, and former Chief of the Center for Disease Control, immediately got out of his car and rushed to the woman’s assistance.

The mayor warned bystanders not to attempt to move 24 year-old Ms Tsai (蔡) to avoid secondary injury. Mayor Tu spoke to paramedics by phone as they rushed to the scene of the accident. The mayor said the woman was conscious with a suspected leg fracture and possible spine injuries. Ambulance officers used a cervical collar and spine board to stabilize the patient for transport to hospital.

It’s not the first time the mayor has gone to the assistance of a traffic accident victim. According to the mayor’s staff, Mayor Tu has assisted in around 5 similar cases in the past year.

mayor and cyclist
Mayor Twu Shiing-jer is seen attending to a cyclist who was hit by a scooter in Chiayi City in July, 2017.

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