3 Grandma Pickpockets Arrested Working Traditional Lunar New Year Markets

Sharp-eyed police officers formed a task force in greater Taipei and have arrested three female pick-pockets at three different traditional markets as shoppers throng to buy supplies for the Lunar New Year holiday. The three were aged 71, 64, and 59.

Ms Huang, 71, traveled from Taichung to work the markets in Taipei. Police believe Huang, who has criminal records for pick-pocketing extending back to 40 years ago or more, is too well known in Taichung, and thus headed to the lucrative northern markets where she could operate more anonymously. Huang was arrested at a market in Sanchong District.

Ms Pan, 64, is a resident of Xizhi, and has a criminal record that began with charges of pick-pocketing at the age of 20. Pan was arrested at a traditional market in Yonghe District.

The third suspect is a 59 year-old Vietnamese woman named Lin who is visiting Taiwan as a visa-free tourist. Investigators found that Lin has visited Taiwan 4 or 5 times, and suspect previous pick-pocketing missions were successful. Lin was arrested at the Renai Market in Hsintien District.
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