2 Year-old Killed by Falling Rock

A two year-old boy died in his grandmother’s arms after a basketball-sized rock smashed through the windshield of a car on Highway 7 in Ilan County yesterday.
The Lin family were on their way home near Nanshan at around 11:00pm when the boulder hit the passenger-side windshield. Grandmother Lin was sitting in the front passenger seat holding her two year-old grandson at the time.
The Lins drove to an ambulance station in Nanshan. The grandmother suffered injuries to her neck and arms, and the child was unconscious. Both patients were sent to St. Mary’s Hospital. The child was declared dead at the hospital at around 3:00am after failing to respond to CPR.
Police pointed out that according to traffic regulations, young children must be placed in a safety seat.
National Highway Administration sent inspectors to the scene of the rockfall. Inspectors found that it was a single rock that fell and said the road is open to normal traffic. Inspectors suggested that the rockfall may be related to a recent 5 magnitude earthquake. A unit will inspect the upper slope today.

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