15-year-old student suddenly collapses and dies during PE class

A 15-year-old female student in Taoyuan City died, October 15, after collapsing during a PE class.

Liberty Times and United Daily News reported October 18, that a 15-year-old special education student had felt unwell after jogging and walking during a physical education class Friday morning.

At 9:10 am, the girl sat down in a stairwell to rest. After around 30 minutes, the girl was found collapsed and without vital signs. The school nurse was immediately notified, and performed CPR, including use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Paramedics continued resuscitation efforts while rushing the girl to the hospital, but the student was later declared dead.

The Taoyuan District Prosecutor’s Office and a forensic doctor conducted an autopsy on October 18, and concluded that the girl had suffered a “neurological abnormality causing shock.”

Reports noted that the girl had been vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech shot on September 24 – 21 days prior to her sudden death.

The Taoyuan City Health Bureau said that it had not received a notification of the case as a vaccine adverse reaction, and will take action to contact the school to clarify details of the incident.

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3 thoughts on “15-year-old student suddenly collapses and dies during PE class

  • October 20, 2021 at 7:21 pm

    Yet another example of the planned “effectiveness” of their devil doctoring. When people all over the world wake up and arise against this criminality en masse, the devils will concoct more “variants” and invent more “diseases” that will call for more concoctions that will maim and murder still more people. All of that, of course, will be blamed on “the unvaxxicuted.” When that fails, they will do “the carbon thing” and “the climate thing,” and finally the last desperate card will be the false flag alien invasion. This has all been predicted and prophesied in many ways by many people over the past centuries, and especially as we draw closer to the actual events which we are now experiencing.

  • October 20, 2021 at 10:05 pm

    judging by this reply, I think the alien invasion has already started (and/or the invasion of pwobsk = people without basic statistics knowledge)

    • October 21, 2021 at 2:51 pm

      Maybe danspottw could fill in what was meant by “people without basic statistics knowledge,” because no statistics were included in my comment.


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