Woman Falls onto Subway Tracks While Using Smartphone

[Picture: Reader contributed to United Daily News]

A woman using her phone while walking on the platform of Taipei Metro’s Kunyang Station, fell onto the tracks today, but fortunately was unharmed.

A train had just left the station when the incident occurred at 12:17pm. Station staff took 3 minutes to help Ms Liao, 41, back onto the station platform. Ms Liao suffered minor abrasions, and declined offers to take her to hospital.

Taipei Metro authorities said Ms Liao has been issued a fine of NTD $1,500. It is the first time someone has been issued a fine for violating the Taipei Metro regulations about users walking around focused on their phone-screens, instead of watching where they are going.

Taipei Metro hopes it will serve as a warning for others.

A woman is seen after being rescued
A woman is seen after being helped back onto a Taipei Metro platform after falling off while using a phone instead of watching where she was going. Ms Liao was issued an on-the-spot fine of NTD$1,500. Picture: Liberty Times Network.
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