Vaccine injury program approves payout for TTS blood clots following COVID-19 shot

Taiwan’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program(VICP) approved it’s highest relief payment to date for a case of vaccine-induced thrombosis, October 21, according to minutes of the meeting released yesterday.
The VICP reviewed 13 applications for compensation for adverse events following the AstraZeneca vaccine at the October 21 meeting. Among the cases, one involving a 30-year-old man from Taoyuan City who developed thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), was determined to be related to the vaccine. The committee made their decision after examining medical records, clinical symptoms, and related test results, and approved the case to be compensated with a relief payment of NT$900,000 (US$32,300).
Central Epidemic Command Center spokesperson Chuang Jen-hsiang said that this case is not the first to receive a compensation payment, but it is the highest payout so far for a coronavirus vaccine injury.
According to statistics of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, since the launch of COVID-19 vaccines there have been 11,165 suspected adverse events reported, of which 5,478 are serious adverse events, and 1,006 fatal.
Of the twelve other cases reviewed October 21, no vaccine injury relief payment was approved, but two cases were granted a funeral subsidy payment of NT$300,000. The funeral subsidy payment is issued to families of deceased who grant permission to perform an autopsy, regardless of the outcome of the examination. If death is determined to be related to the vaccine, a payment of NT$500,000 to NT$6 million can be granted.
VICP convenor Chiu Nanchang said that previously, the compensation review committee had met every two months to review cases, but recently has increased frequency to once per month. However, due to the large number of cases to be processed, the meetings will be increased to bi-weekly, Chiu said.
ET Today, China Times, Liberty Times.
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Don’t go along with the satanic Global Reset New World Order. Stop having people uptake (through injection or any other means) any and all of these infernal deceitful concoctions. Then your government and taxpayers will not have to pay damage compensation. People should consider, for example, what could be the possible motive for importing any already highly questionable concoction to inject into the bodies of pregnant women. Normally a pregnant woman is not given so much as an aspirin without careful consideration, but this has been done willy-nilly all over Taiwan. WHAT IS THE MOTIVE? There is one, for bloody sure.