UAE Orders Taiwan Flight-Attendants to Wear PRC Flag

United Arab Emirates today ordered Taiwanese flight attendants to wear badges bearing the flag of the People’s Republic of China. A little more than an hour later, the Uniform Standards and Development Officer apologized and rescinded the order to wear the PRC flag, but maintained that the Taiwan ROC flag must not be worn.
At 2.25pm, May 30, an email was allegedly sent to flight attendants stating:
“We have been instructed by the Chinese Government that with immediate effect Emirates airline cabin crew are to follow the One China policy.
This means you must remove the Taiwanese flag from your service waistcoat and replace it with the Chinese flag.
This must be followed by all Taiwanese crew without exception.”
A little over an hour later, according to a source in a Liberty Times Network report, another email was sent by the UAE officer, who apologized and rescinded the order to wear the PRC flag, but maintained the ban on wearing Taiwan’s (ROC) flag.
Other reports in Liberty Times and Apple Daily said that flight attendants stated that UAE also required them to be listed as Chinese nationals when working on flights in and out of China. Taiwanese passport numbers are not permitted to be used and must be changed to Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents.
UAE operates daily flights between Taipei and Dubai.
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And for that, I will NEVER fly Emirates again!