Taiwanese long-liner with missing crew under tow and expected to be boarded tomorrow

A Taiwanese fishing vessel that has been drifting at sea with no sign of crew after being spotted by a search and rescue aircraft January 2, is now under tow, and expected to be able to be boarded once it reaches calmer waters tomorrow.
See previous stories: Missing Taiwan fishing boat spotted near Midway, no sign of crew
Mystery deepens over Taiwanese ghost ship adrift in Pacific Ocean
After being approached by Taiwanese fishing vessel Lian Horng No. 67, who failed to make contact with the crew yesterday, another Taiwanese fishing boat, the Pingtung County based Yi Rong No. 18 reached the drifting ship today and hitched a towing cable to the vessel.
The operation was carried out at around 7:40 pm local time north of Midway Island (3:40 pm Taiwan time).
The Yi Rong No.18 is now towing the Yong Yu Sing No.18 towards calmer waters, where it is hoped that crew members will be able to board the ship and determine if any of the 10 crew members remain aboard.
Boarding will take place at dawn at the earliest, according to reports in Liberty Times, and United Daily News.
Taiwan’s National Rescue Command Center has requested US search and rescue services to expand the range of the search for a lifeboat which was found to be missing from the Yong Yu Sing No.18, another Liberty Times report said, adding that a US Navy vessel is also heading the area to assist with the search and rescue operation.
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