264KG Cannabis Bust in Tainan: “Biggest in Recent Years”

[Cover picture: UDN] Police and Coast Guard officers this morning raided a Penghu registered fishing vessel in Anping fishing port, Tainan City, and intercepted a 264 kilogram haul of cannabis. Prosecutors said it was the biggest marijuana bust in the last five years. The raid was conducted at 1:00am this morning after a tip off from investigators in Kaohsiung. Investigators found 519 bags each weighing around 500 grams. The captain of the fishing boat, Hsia Zhongyi and three Indonesian crew

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Grower’s Son Arrested: 254 Cannabis Plants Seized

A 24 year-old man was arrested, and police raided a house in Hsinchu County today, seizing 254 cannabis plants and equipment related to cultivation. United Daily News reported that the man’s father, Mr Hsieh, had rented a two story house in a remote mountain district of Hsinchu County, and engaged his son, a graduate in diplomacy with strong English language skills, to purchase equipment and materials online. Mr Hsieh Senior lived in one room of the house and used the

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Bureaucrats Reject Petition to Downgrade Cannabis Classification

The Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health and Welfare rejected a citizen-initiated call for the re-classification of cannabis from a schedule 2 class drug, to schedule 3 class drug, and consideration of the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The proposal was made on an online platform of the National Development Council (NDC), and after receiving more than 5000 supporting votes, proposals moved forward to the appropriate authorities. The NDC online platform was set up to encourage public participation

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