Soldiers commended for taking wheel of bus after driver suffers heart attack

Two new army recruits were commended by the army and police for saving the lives of fellow passengers after a bus driver had a heart attack and lost consciousness while traveling on National Highway 1, Sunday evening.
The two 23-year-old soldiers responded immediately when the 56-year-old driver, named Lin, suddenly lost consciousness and slumped onto the steering wheel at around 6:00 pm. The bus was traveling southbound on a downhill, slightly curved section of freeway in Hsinchu County, and it was a peak traffic period at the time.
As the bus began deviating, a soldier named Hsu grabbed the steering wheel to keep the bus from drifting across traffic lanes. Another soldier, named Hong, helped to pull Lin’s foot off the accelerator pedal. With warning lights flashing, the bus then slowed down and came to a stop in the center lane.
Mr Lin was rushed to hospital, but could not be resuscitated and was declared dead a short time later.
The bus was under charter and carrying 43 new recruits to a training camp at the time of the incident. Police officers from the National Highway Police Bureau today presented Hong and Hsu with gift boxes of fruit and commended them for not only protecting the safety of their colleagues, but also other road users.

A similar incident occurred in Changhua County in 2018.
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So….how often does a middle-aged presumably healthy-enough-to-work bus driver in Taiwan suffer a fatal heart attack while at the wheel? How often? Let’s get some stats here. AND it is absolutely essential to dig around and find out if that driver (and any other drivers or pilots) have been injected with so-called “Covid” stuff, to what extent, and where and when. Clearly there are other lives at stake here, moving forward (as folks like to say), so the actual unexpurgated facts must be revealed and widely publicised.