Republican Party Biden attack ad features attack on Taiwan

The Republican Party released a video advertisement yesterday featuring AI-generated images of a Chinese attack on Taipei City, along with scenes of economic and social disaster, warning Americans against voting for the Joe Biden in the next presidential election.
The ad, titled “Beat Biden,” opens with images of a victorious Biden and Kamala Harris, and the question “What if the weakest President we’ve ever had were re-elected?” The scene then cuts to images of a Chinese warplane, and Taipei 101 leaning as a massive bomb hits downtown Xinyi District. A news voiceover announces that “an emboldened China this morning invaded Taiwan.”
The advertisement then shows closed down banks, hordes of immigrants flooding over the USA’s southern border, and San Francisco shut down amid a surge in crime and the fentanyl crisis.
Forbes noted that “the ad might be a new milestone for political campaigns,” being the first to use images solely generated by AI technology.
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There is no age requirement for one who runs for president in the United States of America. Seemingly, the GOP is now over-run by people who know as little about that as they do about truth and personal integrity.
Qualities which a good president requires are: Integrity, honesty, patriotism, knowledge and experience.
Strangely enough, the last president of the USA had less of those qualities than Al Capone, or Vlad Putin.