Police Chief hit by car on pedestrian crossing in Hualien City

Police officers called to the scene of an accident in Hualien City yesterday were shocked to find their own police station chief had been hit by a car while walking on a zebra crossing.
Chief Peng of the Fengchuan Police Station in the Hualien Police Precinct was hit by a taxi while crossing the road at the intersection of Guolian 4th Road and Guolian 5th Road at around 7:30 pm. Peng was returning to the station after working out at a local gym when the taxi turned left and hit Peng from behind.
Peng was able to walk back to the police station, but suffered bruising to his hand and waist. A checkup at the hospital found that he had no internal injuries.
The 55-year-old taxi driver, named Liu, was tested and found not to be affected by alcohol. Liu admitted that he had not been paying attention at the time of the accident. Police issued a fine for breaching Article 48, Item 2 of the Road Traffic Management Penalty Regulations requiring drivers to give way to pedestrians.

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