Paraglider beaten up after landing on tourist’s foot at Wai Ao Beach

A paraglider who stepped on a man’s foot while landing on a beach in Yilan County was punched to the ground and kicked, and another paraglider who came to his assistance was also physically assaulted Saturday, August 21.
Video footage accompanying news reports showed the paragliding instructor, named Chen, as he came in for a landing on Wai Ao Beach, in Toucheng Township, at around noon, Saturday. Chen, who was flying tandem with a female passenger, is seen accidentally running into a man named You and stepping on his foot
The burly, thick-set You (pronounced Yo!), garbed for the beach in a black t-shirt and matching black shorts, responded to Chen’s apologies by punching Chen in the face, knocking him to the ground.
You then proceeded to kick Chen in the head and body, and one of You’s friends is seen in the video approaching Chen from behind and raising his foot to join in on the beat down.
The camera then pans to another paragliding instructor, named Liu, being attacked by another of You’s five companions, after Liu had approached in an attempt to defuse the conflict.

Chen and Liu suffered contusions to the head, neck and chest, and went to the hospital to have their injuries checked and reported.
Toucheng Township police questioned You and his five friends before transferring the men to the District Prosecutor’s Office to be charged for offenses including assault causing injury, intimidation, and obstructing the social order.
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