One person slightly injured after boulder falls on car

A woman suffered a slight head injury today after a large rock fell onto a moving car on route 62 in Miaoli County today, partially destroying the car, and causing it to crash into the mountainside.
A couple had visited a hot springs resort and were heading home in a small hatchback at around 5:00pm, when a rock hit the car’s left-rear, sending the car out of control.
Firefighters who attended the crash provided first aid and sent the 44-year-old female passenger, Ms Lai, to hospital.
Ms Lai is suspected to have bumped her head on the rear-view mirror. Lai, who was suffering from a headache and dizziness was released from hospital after a medical examination.
The rockfall occurred near the Jinyu Bridge in the same place a rock fell on a car on January 9 this year, injuring two little girls.
Police said recent rain may have loosened rocks and earth in the area and appealed to drivers to take extra care when driving on mountain roads.

Sources: United Daily News, Apple Daily.
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