Near-Sighted Driver Hits and Kills Woman: Continues Driving with Body on Roof

A near-sighted man with a severe visual impairment drove without glasses on the evening of August 4. At around 1:00am he struck and killed a woman, and continued to drive with the body of the woman on the roof of his car.
The 33 year-old man surnamed Chen said he felt a bump and saw a dark object flying up from the front of his car and cracking the windshield, but when he stopped and looked behind him he didn’t see anything unusual, so he got back into the car and continued on his journey.
He continued driving despite blood flowing down the windshield from the body on the roof. Chen was stopped by a motorcyclist who beeped his horn and yelled out to him that there was a person on the roof of his car.
The 77 year-old woman surnamed Huang was rushed to hospital by ambulance, but was pronounced dead on arrival.
The evening of August 4 also happened to be the first night of ghost month on the Chinese lunar calender, and the evening when it is said the ‘ghost gate opens’ (鬼門開). During his interrogation, Chen admitted he noticed the blood flowing down the windshield but was too terrified to stop while alone on the road in case of encountering a ghost. He said he continued driving slowly forward and intended to stop when there were other people around.
Police have charged the driver with negligent homicide.

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