Man dies after being hit and run over by 4 cars in Taipei City

A man in Taipei City died after being hit and runover by four vehicles on a pedestrian crossing in dark, rainy conditions in the early hours of the morning today, May 2.
According to reports, the 41-year-old man, named Zhuang, was crossing Zhongxiao West Road at the intersection of Xining Road when he was hit and knocked down by a taxi driven by a man named Ding at around 3:00 am. Ding pulled over immediately, but a few seconds later, Zhuang was run over by another car. The driver of the second vehicle did not stop.
By the time police and paramedics arrived, Zhuang had been run over by another car and a truck. Both drivers immediately pulled over. Paramedics found Zhuang to have suffered serious head injuries and other trauma, and Zhuang had already lost vital signs. Paramedics performed CPR as Zhuang was rushed to hospital, but he was later declared dead.
The three drivers involved were tested and found to be not affected by alcohol. The drivers were sent to the District Prosecutor to face charges of negligent homicide. Police are currently searching for the fourth driver who left the scene of the accident.
According to the taxi driver’s statement, vehicles coming off Zhongxiao Bridge at the time of the accident had a green light, but a pedestrian suddenly appeared in front of his vehicle.
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Countries on the right side of history are writing headlines that obsess about Ukraine being run-over by an insanely evil tyrant named Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, the Taiwan Times, just downwind from the stench of Communist China, obsesses over a Zebra being run over four times on a highway and equally absurdly irrelevant click bait to insure high productivity.