Firefighters Farewell Four-legged Colleague

Firefighters from Taipei City Urban Search and Rescue Team held a funeral service for retired search and rescue dog Bailey, yesterday, May 7, after the black Labrador passed away April 26.
Bailey was born in 2004, and joined the rescue team in 2006. Bailey obtained Advanced Dog Certification, and International Search and Rescue Dog Organization (IRO) RH-TB Certification in 2010 and was involved in search and rescue operations during earthquake, typhoon, and mountain disasters. Colleagues nicknamed Bailey “Black-water Boomerang,” for his quick execution and return.
In 2008, Bailey went to China on a rescue mission after the Sichuan Earthquake. In 2009, Bailey was involved in search and rescue efforts after Typhoon Morakot, which dumped record-breaking rain on Taiwan, causing 474 people to be buried alive in a landslide in Kaohsiung County.
Bailey was retired and fostered out to a family named Zhou April 29, 2016. On April 26, Bailey died peacefully in his sleep.
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