Electric scooter rider uses claw machine arcade as free park and charge station

A woman in Taichung has been charged after parking her electric scooter inside a claw machine arcade in Taiping District two times, and leaving it to charge overnight.
The owner of the claw machine arcade noticed the incident when reviewing security monitor footage. The footage showed the woman riding her scooter into the arcade with two children and another woman late in the evening September 5, leaving it parked and plugged in overnight.

The arcade owner uploaded pictures of the incident to social media.
The woman, oblivious to the criticism she was receiving on social media, brazenly repeated her act, accompanied by one child, and wearing the same blouse on September 7.
The arcade owner then reported her to police at around 1:00am.
Police identified the woman and a Ms Liu and called her into the police station to explain her actions. Liu told police that she lived nearby, but didn’t have a convenient place to charge her scooter at home.
Liu noticed the convenient electricity outlet in the claw machine arcade, and decided to use it.
Police said that Liu is willing to settle with the owner of the arcade, and will be sent to the District Prosecutor to face charges for theft.
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Sources: Liberty Times Network, EBC News.
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