Driver flips car, jumps from 10-storey high expressway to avoid drunk driving charge

A driver who crashed his car on an elevated expressway in New Taipei City survived a fall from a height of around 10-storeys after he jumped in an attempt to evade drunk driving charges.
According to reports, the 32-year-old man, named Wang, crashed into the guardrail on the Banqiao section of the East-West Expressway (Provincial Highway 64) at 2:40 am. Wang’s Ford sedan rolled over and landed on it’s roof. Wang was not seriously injured and got out of the vehicle by himself.
However, when passersby stopped to offer help and called 119, Wang ran away in the direction of Sanchong District. According to witnesses, around 400 meters from the accident site, Wang clambered over the guardrail and fell.
Police found Wang moaning in pain in long grass below the expressway at around 3:40 am. Wang’s fall had been broken by the grass and soft mud, but he had suffered multiple broken ribs.
Wang was rushed to hospital for treatment, and a blood test revealed that his blood alcohol level was 1.05mg/l – well over the legal limit of 0.15mg/l.
Wang faces charges of endangering the public. Reports noted that it is Wang’s second drink driving offense in less than 3 months.
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They never give the full name of the “person” responsible in such incidents, but I know this one: WANG KER.