Dog rescued, farmer faces fine, after stray dog kicked like a football

Police and animal protection workers responded quickly after a video shot by a student showed a farmer violently kicking a young dog wandering in a rice paddy in Chiayi County this morning, April 3.

The thirty-second video showed the farmer, in Puzi City, chasing the dog with a stick, and kicking it several times. Two kicks resulted in the small, black dog flying into the air like a football.

The student who filmed the incident while on the way to school, uploaded the video to social media with a comment about the cruelty shown to the animal, decrying the farmer’s actions and saying: “If you don’t like it, you can chase it away. You don’t have to use such a cruel method.”

Staff of the Chiayi County Livestock Disease Prevention and Control Institute found the farmer and the dog this morning. The dog was placed in a shelter, while the farmer will be punished for violating the Animal Protection Act.

The elderly farmer complained that the dog was damaging his rice crop, and he had kicked the dog because he was angry.

farmer kicking a dog into the air
A farmer is seen kicking a stray dog that wandered into a rice field this morning, April 3, 2019.

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Sources: Apple Daily, United Daily News.

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