Canadian Hit by Car: Family Seeks to Get Him Home

A 31 year-old Canadian man was hit by a car while crossing a street in Taichung on October 1, and remains in intensive care almost 3 weeks after the accident.
John Kelly was crossing the street at an intersection when he was hit at high speed by a rental car driven by a 22 year-old driver. Mr Kelly was thrown about 10 meters, and sustained severe injuries, including a broken arm, broken collar bone, a shattered leg, and brain and spine injuries.
The driver involved in the accident has not been charged, and denies responsibility. The driver told police that Mr Kelly deliberately jumped in front of the car. Police say there is no dash-cam or CCTV footage of the accident. According to Mr Kelly’s family, who spoke to reporters at Calgary Sun, CCTV footage taken just before the accident shows that Mr Kelly was attentive to traffic, despite wearing headphones.
In the Calgary Sun article family members praised the doctors and nurses, who they described as “amazing and helpful”. They are also receiving support from Red Cross and Haxstrong, an organization run by expat Gregg Haxton. Haxton was left in a coma after a similar experience six years ago.
Mr Kelly’s eyes have opened but he remains unresponsive. He is still breathing with the assistance of a ventilator, and doctors don’t know if he will recover.
The man’s family have set up a Go Fund Me page to raise money for an expensive medivac back to Canada. Mr Kelly’s mother flew Taiwan when the family learned of the accident, and doctors have told her that soon the family will have to pay the hospital around $100 per day. They said their financial resources will soon be depleted.
Members of Taiwan’s popular English-language forum, Forumosa, discussed the case, and shared their own experiences and knowledge concerning questions raised on Forumosa and the Go Fund Me page. People have asked why a medivac is required when Taiwan has a First-class medical system, and National Health Insurance.
From my personal experience landing on my back in the hospital in an emergency medical situation, there are many things family or friends tend to when you are in the hospital here in Taiwan. In his case, as a foreigner, even with his mother here, a local nurse/assistant is often required, for example, to help with bath, feeding, etc. Nurses will change tubes and lines and give medication, but otherwise you are quite on your own…
~Forumosa member Icon, in the topic: Gofundme for Canadian Hit by Car.
Cover photo from John Kelly’s Facebook page.
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