62 Year-old Gives Birth to Baby Boy

A 62 year-old woman gave birth at Taipei Chang Gong Memorial Hospital late last month it was announced today. Although reproduction technologies were involved in the conception, Ms Wu gave birth naturally, it was reported by various media outlets after a press conference today, March 7.
Doctors said that another 62 year-old had given birth by cesarean section 5 years ago, but this may be the oldest natural birth on record in Taiwan.
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Welfare said that there was no upper age limit on use of medical reproductive technology, but parents need to assess the risk themselves. Age limits only apply to sperm and egg donors.
The baby boy, who weighed 2,930 grams at birth, is Ms Wu’s second child. The child has a 36 year-old sister who has children of her own. Ms Wu said that her family were fully supportive of her desire for a second child.
On January 1, 2013, a 62 year-old woman gave birth to twins by cesarean section at National Taiwan University Hospital.
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