Sulfuric Acid Spill in Taoyuan

A chemical tanker spilled approximately 9 tonnes of sulfuric acid on a road in Taoyuan City this afternoon when 9 out of ten containers fell off as the truck was rounding a corner.

The accident happened at the 24 kilometer mark on route 15. The Taoyuan City Fire Bureau dispatched 10 appliances and 26 firefighters to the scene of the accident.

Police blocked the road to traffic while the North District Specialized Technical Team For Environmental Accidents was dispatched from the Environmental Protection Administration to deal with the cleanup.

A spokesperson for the fire bureau said that as the accident occurred in an open area, there is no immediate danger.

sulphuric acid spill
Firefighters standby on the site of a chemical spill in Taoyuan, while a team is dispatched to deal with the spill March 26, 2018.
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2 thoughts on “Sulfuric Acid Spill in Taoyuan

  • March 26, 2018 at 6:05 pm

    they dispatched 10 appliances. That’s good. I wonder which ones – dishwashers, toasters, vacuum cleaners?


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